Currently Feature the most recent Wireless Presenter Pro With Green Laser Pointer Intuitive 4-Button From Kensington
It is with great satisfaction which we are going to publicize the fact that we now have the most recent Wireless Presenter Pro With Green Laser Pointer Intuitive 4-Button which is available from Kensington. Though there are many versions such as this one, you will discover that none of them are going to provide you with just as much value for your money as this newest design coming from such a respected organization. Only once you buy an extremely suggested version exactly like it are you going to feel like your hard earned cash is spent well.
Now, what exactly is it concerning this certain Wireless Presenter Pro With Green Laser Pointer Intuitive 4-Button which positions it in a category of its own? In this specific situation you will see that originating from this kind of well-known supplier shows that you might be buying a product which features a reputation of good quality items. Other sorts of imitators come and go leaving a trail of unsatisfied consumers, whenever you get one created by Kensington, you know it is possible to rely on continually buying the highest quality product out there.
Not simply are we pleased to have the ability to incorporate the Wireless Presenter Pro With Green Laser Pointer Intuitive 4-Button to our collection of wonderful items, but we're excited to be able to offer it to you at this type of fantastic low price. You might be capable of finding this style elsewhere, but you are not likely to get the item at the extremely low price we have the item for sale for as a consequence of our unique buying power. At a cost that is this reduced, you are going to get a good product and genuine value for your money.
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $129.50
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Wireless receiver stores inside.Operating Frequency: 2.402GHz to 2.478GHz.Low-battery indicator and on/off switch.Includes 2 AAA batteries and carrying case.
- Ultra bright green laser pointer for use on all screens.
- Designed to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand.
- Intuitive 4-button design is comfortable and easy to use.
- 2.4GHz wireless with extended range up to 150'.
- Provides forward and back control of PowerPoint and Keynote with no drivers needed.
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