Our Current 33373 Wireless 4-Button Presenter With Usb Ergonomic Is Going to Make Your Life Better
The moment you purchased your first 33373 Wireless 4-Button Presenter With Usb Ergonomic you probably thought that it was likely to help you save both time and expense, after all that ended up being the whole factor behind buying a product to start with. While it's true those first varieties did make a positive change and make your life easier, at Kensington we believed that it just wasn't sufficient. You earned a product that was not only likely to help you save effort, but would definitely make your life more effective.
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $88.01
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Although there are several alternative 33373 Wireless 4-Button Presenter With Usb Ergonomic on the market today, we know that what we did is taken the most effective portions of the many various items in existence and used them to produce our most up-to-date edition. A very important factor which we did notice with so many of the various other merchandise on the market is that they try to shock you with extensive displays of "exclusive" options that they have added.
Our newest 33373 Wireless 4-Button Presenter With Usb Ergonomic comes with a unique list of functions, but rather than loading it up that includes a bunch of pointless options, we dedicated to adding just those that our customers told us they wished. We then focused on making sure that each one of these attributes worked properly, so that you would ultimately be able to purchase the one item that was made with just one point in mind and that to save no expense in making Your Life just that touch better than it was.
Plug-and-play simplicity requires not set up.Rubberized texture offers comfortable, secure grip and touch.1 3/4" W x 1/2" H x 3 1/2" D.
- Wireless receiver stows inside controller body for carrying convenience.
- Wireless 2.4Ghz technology up to 60'.
- Intuitive 4-button design features 1-touch start.
- Fingertip control for easier, simple use.
- Ergonomic design fits comfortably into the palm.
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